custom wax melts in summer scent Elysian in pink, orange and yellow

Reset Day | Custom Candles | Custom Wax Melts | Monthly Candle Subscription

Ever just have those weeks where you're so busy that when ye stop the house is a mess, you're low on stock and there's just a million little bits and bobs to do? 🥲

That's today for me but as long as I'm in the mood I loooooooove these days!

I have two candle making workshops over the weekend, one of them was my biggest one ever!! 🕯️ They're so much fun to run but it does make for a bit of a long weekend so I'm welcoming this reset today! I work from home so half of the reset is home-y bits 🏠 I took the doggo for a walk, came home and put a load of washing on, put the dishes away (and cleaned more, as you do 🍽️ ) and sat myself down with a coffee and planned the day 📝

morning coffee


First up was packaging a custom wax melt order for an event goodie bag - I made custom coloured smiley melts in my summer fragrance Elysian (sweet orange chilli pepper and lily cotton musk, honestly so fresh and delicious!) 🍊☁️

custom pink, yellow, orange wax melts in the scent Elysianstamped feu candles packaging for custom wax melts


I also have a custom wedding order going out next week and the safety labels arrived so finishing those off was next! They picked their fragrance and we did a custom label in their wedding colours, aren't they sooo cute! 🤵‍♂️🤵‍♂️


green and white custom wedding candles with safety label


The middle of the month also means it's time to get my monthly candle subscription and wax melt subscription out the door 📅 This month the handmade candle is a brand new scent I've never released before, it's creamy musk and sandalwood 🤤

I've started doing two wax melts for the monthly wax melt subscription and this month was Holl, a fresh earty fragrance of cedarwood, lime, jasmine, amber, patchouli and lily. I also made some wax melts in one of my classic fragrances, Fireside Forêt - it's eucalyptus, cedarwood, amber, lemonleaf, bergamot and geranium 💚

monthl wax melt subscription


I'm spending the afternoon organising a postal collection of my subscription orders tomorrow, doing a little stock take so I know what I need to order and hopefully plan some for candle making workshops and get them in the diary! 🫶


Bonus pic of the day is Seymour playing with his ball underneath the washing 😂

bonus picture seymour playing with his ball

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